Modern Cloud Native Jakarta EE Frameworks:
Tips, Challenges, and trends
Java has a large number of tools and frameworks to facilitate integration with databases, microservices, and so on. These tools have evolved considerably. It all started with class integrated with XML files and has undergone significant evolution with reflections and annotations within the class definitions. In the cloud-native scenario, requirements have changed and this impacts applications in ways that weren’t critical before.
For example, cold starts and boot time wasn’t critical with application servers but is crucial in serverless and microservices. The objective of this presentation is to talk about how these frameworks behave in the native cloud age and they affect the new world of Jakarta EE: the trade-off of Reflection, Annotation Processing, and Native Image capabilities are some examples, and the tools and frameworks you can choose in for your next application.
Empowering developers worldwide to deliver better software faster, scalable in the Cloud. Otavio is a passionate software engineer focused on Cloud and Java technology. He has experience mainly in persistence polyglot and high-performance applications in finances, social media, and e-commerce. Otavio is a member of both Expert Groups and Expert Leader in several JSRs and JCP executive committee.
He is working on several Apache and Eclipse Foundation projects such as Apache Tamaya, MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, where he is leading the first specification at Jakarta EE with Jakarta NoSQL.
A JUG leader and global speaker at JavaOne and Devoxx conferences. Otavio has received recognition for his OSS contributions such as the JCP Outstanding Award, Member of the year and innovative JSR, Duke’s Choice Award, and Java Champion Award, to name a few.
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