Give Your Application Memories.
28th May, 2022
Hilton Hotel Kozyatağı , İstanbul
Most applications only know the present.
Their current state is calculated and updated on every change, effectively losing previous conditions and information that existed in the past.
Can that be a limitation? Missed opportunity?
What if your application could remember its entire history? Would that be helpful, or is it a worthless effort?
This talk will provoke Java developers to start asking such questions. It will help you make applicable mental models of Event Sourcing, DDD, and CQRS concepts. It will also demonstrate what it takes to build such applications in Java.
Milen is a Developer Advocate at AxonIQ on a mission to help fellow Java developers around the globe design and build clean, modular, and future-proof software! After more than 20 years of developing, designing, and consulting on various solutions for leading European companies, he currently spends most of his time supporting communities and organizations, speaking at conferences all over the world and researching his favorite topics around Java modularity, μservices, distributed systems architecture, and software craftsmanship.
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